You are a woman of God, saved and redeemed by the King

Learn to confidently study your Bible, grow in your relationship with Christ, and make disciples in your home, church, and community.

We are here to help you intentionally curate experiences that will transform the lives of those around you.

By Women, For Women

  • Yearly Live Conference

    Gather in person to be equipped and inspired

  • Ongoing Training & Community

    Belong and grow with us, all year

  • On-Demand Video Events

    Host local events at your church or home

“We desperately need the influence of women grounded in the Word of God.”

Home, church, community, and country desperately need the influence of women who know why they believe what they believe, grounded in the Word of God. They desperately need the influence of women who deeply and actively love the God proclaimed in the Bible.


Most women struggle to feel confident understanding and communicating God’s word. Often, we can feel alone or unsupported as we try to live out our calling to love God and make disciples. Maybe you’ve had a tough time finding a trustworthy, bible-based learning community where you can be who God made you to be, and grow with others.

Us too.

In 2015 we created Proclaim Truth to help you grow in your knowledge of God and proclaim the truth of Jesus Christ in your home, church, and community.

We’re here to help you thrive!

Proclaim Truth began eight years ago with the vision to equip and encourage women in their desire to know God and make disciples in their homes, churches, and communities. After six conferences (two virtual) and a flourishing online learning community, Proclaim Truth has been asked to help offer the teaching and learning experience to others who cannot attend a conference.

We look forward to seeing how God will use this opportunity to draw others to Himself and grow others to proclaim His Word around the world boldly.

You are not alone!!!

We hope you will choose to join us in this new adventure of sharing God’s Word with others.


& the Proclaim Truth Team

“Thank you for your excellence in curating and training us to replicate that excellence in our own way. This weekend was such a blessing to our participants (including me) in how it deepened our relationships with each other, it made us even more hungry for the Word of God, it encouraged our souls, and changed our hearts. How can we not proclaim it??”

Katy E.

hosted Proclaim Truth Experience | Knowing God’s Word


You are not alone in your desire to grow in becoming a faithful disciple. 

Proclaim Truth exists to equip and encourage you to faithfully proclaim truth in your home, church, and community. We want to help you grow in your ability to study scripture, make disciples, and teach God’s word!

Looking to plan an event this year?

With intention and the right perspective, you can plan and host an event that will be worth your while! Don’t waste time with filler or fluff. Plan an event that makes a difference in the lives of those in your church and community.



When you sign up you will receive occasional emails with encouragement and equipping content.